All years20252024202320222021Old All TopicsUrban SystemsNetwork TheoryComputational Social ScienceEconomic SystemsHuman BehaviorsBiology
36. Understanding Urban-Rural Disparities in Mobility Inefficiency for Colombia, Mexico, and IndiaSubmitted Nandini, I., Luca, M. & Di Clemente, R.
doi:10.48550/arXiv.2503.01810 (2025) [pdf]
35.Highly engaging events reveal semantic and temporal compression in online community discoursePNAS Nexus 4, 3, pgaf056, Desiderio, A., Mancini, A., Cimini, G., & Di Clemente, R.
doi:10.1093/pnasnexus/pgaf056 (2025) [pdf]
34.Garbage in Garbage out: Impacts of data quality on criminal network interventionUnder Review Yeung, W.-N., Riccardo Di Clemente, Renaud Lambiotte, Di Clemente, R. & Lambiote, R.
doi:10.48550/arXiv.2501.01508 (2025) [pdf]
33.Unveiling social vibrancy in urban spaces with app usageUnder Review Collins, T., Pacheco, D., Di Clemente, R. & Botta, F.
doi:10.48550/arXiv.2412.14943 (2024) [pdf]
32.The rise and fall of WallStreetBets: social roles and opinion leaders across the GameStop sagaUnder Review Mancini, A., Desiderio, A., Palermo, G., Di Clemente, R. & Cimini, G.
doi:10.48550/arXiv.2403.05876 (2024) [pdf]
31.Mobilkit: A Python Toolkit for Urban Resilience and Disaster Risk Management Analytics using High Frequency Human Mobility DataJournal of Open Source Software, 9(95), 5201 Ubaldi, E., Jones, N.K.W., Khan, M.F.M Feliciotti, A. Di Clemente, R., Ukkusuri, S.V., & Strano, E.doi:10.21105/joss.05201 (2024) [pdf]
30.Spontaneous Opinion Swings in the Voter Model with LatencyPhys. Rev. E 110, 024313 Palermo, G., Mancini, A., Desiderio, A., Di Clemente, R. & Cimini, G.
doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.110.024313 (2024) [pdf]
29.Time-space dynamics of income segregation: a case study of Milan’s neighbourhoodsUnder Review Rossi Mori, L., Loreto, V. & Di Clemente, R.
doi:10.48550/arXiv.2309.17294 (2023) [pdf]
28.Spatiotemporal gender differences in urban vibrancyEnvironment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science Collins, TR., Di Clemente, R., Gutiérrez-Roig, M., & Botta, F.doi:10.1177/23998083231209073 (2023) [pdf]
27.COVID-19 is linked to changes in the time-space dimension of human mobilityNature Human Behaviour, 7, 1729–1739 Santana C., Botta F., Barbosa H., Privitera F.,Menezes R. & Di Clemente, R.
doi:10.1038/s41562-023-01660-3 (2023) [pdf]
26.Economic complexity and Covid-19 outcomes in UK local authoritiesSSRN Morasea, EK., Ebrahimi, T., Mealy, P., Coyle, D. & Di Clemente, R.
doi:10.2139/ssrn.4030739 (2022) [pdf]
25.Understanding European Integration with Bipartite Networks of Comparative AdvantagePNAS Nexus, 1, 5, pgac262
Di Clemente, R., Lengyel, B., Andersson, L-F & Eriksson, R
doi:10.1093/pnasnexus/pgac262 (2022) [pdf]
24.Self-induced consensus of Reddit users to characterise the GameStop short squeezeScientific Reports, 12, 13780 Mancini, A., Desiderio, A., Di Clemente, R. & Cimini, G.doi:10.1038/s41598-022-17925-2 (2022) [pdf]
23.Urbanization and Economic ComplexityScientific Reports, 11, 3952
Di Clemente, R., Strano, E. & Batty, M.
doi:10.1038/s41598-021-83238-5 (2021) [pdf]
22.Inequality is rising where social network segregation interacts with urban topologyNature Communications, 12, 1143
21.Understanding routing behavior with location-based service dataEPJ Data Science, 10 ,12Yanyan, X., Di Clemente, R., & Gonzaléz, M.C.doi:10.1140/epjds/s13688-021-00267-w (2021) [pdf]
20.Analysis of socioeconomic aspects related to mobility patterns in the UK during the COVID-19 pandemicTechnical ReportSantana C., Botta F., Barbosa H., Privitera F.,Menezes R. & Di Clemente, R.
doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.16429.92643 (2020) [pdf]
19.Analysis of human mobility in the UK during the COVID-19 pandemicTechnical ReportSantana C., Botta F., Barbosa H., Privitera F.,Menezes R. & Di Clemente, R.
doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.33207.14240 (2020) [pdf]
18.The role of geography in the complex diffusion of innovationsScientific Report, 10, 15065
03.The italian primary school-size distribution and the city-size: a complex nexusScientific Reports, 4, 5301Belmonte, A., Di Clemente, R. & Buldyrev, S. V.doi:10.1038/srep05301 (2014) [pdf]
02.Diversification versus Specialization in Complex EcosystemsPLoSONE, 9(11): e112525
Di Clemente, R., Chiarotti, G. L., Cristelli, M., Tacchella, A. & Pietronero, L.
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0112525 (2014) [pdf]
01.Statistical Agent Based Modelization of the Phenomenon of Drug AbuseScientific Reports, 2, 532