The Complex Connections Lab is a research laboratory based at the Northeastern University London dedicated to studying the complex social connections that govern human behavior and interactions in cities and online. Our lab focuses on the study of the digital traces we left behind to capture human behavior and social dynamics through the lens of network science, complexity theory, and Data Science.
Our team is made up of researchers in fields such as data science, computer science, and mathematics. We work together to develop innovative methods and tools to analyze large-scale data sets and gain insights into the underlying principles of the complex connections we live within.
From Reddit posts to Mobile phone traces, our research questions are built in close relationships with data providers and institutions. We decoupled the changes in human mobility across the UK during the Covid-19 health crisis; provided data-driven approaches for spatial planning, poverty reduction, and disaster resilience in developing countries such as Nigeria and Mexico.
Currently, we are developing new complex systems and Machine Learning models to capture digital human traces to understand urban segregation. Moreover, we are quantifying and modeling a novel mechanism able to explain the endogenous formation of consensus in social networks and synchronous dynamics of users' behaviors under the influence of exogenous events.